Monthly Archives: February 2013

Diamonds in the Sky

If you’ve followed my blog for a while, you’ll remember that over the summer, I played song remakes. That was fun and weird at times. Some remakes should never be made while others eclipse the original.

I listen to my faithful satellite radio to and from the day job. I adorz it, precious. So when I hear a song that appeals to me, I listen for it. Today’s What’s Playing Wednesday song is one of those and then while listening to it one day, I realized it was a remake. Then a couple of days later, I caught the DJ talking about it.

Yes, this is a remake of Rihanna Diamonds. Don’t get up in arms about it. Fans of the superstar should see this as further proof that she’s a wonderful singer. Most of the time songs don’t get remade unless they’ve made an impact on the band/singer performing the remake.

So today I bring you Farewell 2 Fear’s Diamonds. Give it a listen and let me know what you think. I really like it.

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Filed under What's Playing Wednesdays

Grammar Goggles


Tour long Giveaway: $50 GC to editing services with Grammar Goggles

Dates: 2/1 thru 3/31/2013
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Contact information:


Whether just starting out or an experienced author, looking to break into a new market or planning to self-publish, Grammar Goggles can help you polish your manuscript and take it to the next level.


My main focus is on grammar and line editing but my rates also include low-level content editing, where I make note of any questions regarding continuity, pacing and story line. These services are built into the charge since I know, from experience, I can’t see problems in those areas without making mention of them.

Are You The One?

So, you’re eager to get your book out into the world and figure it’s time to stop futzing with the manuscript and get an editor to give it that important coat of polish.


Before you start emailing your contacts and sending your manuscript hither and yon, you need to make some decisions.

First, is your book really ready to be edited? For many authors, this isn’t a consideration. They’ve written books before and know when the manuscript is ready for the next stage. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. I’ve come across manuscripts that actually are first drafts, not completed books. Frankly, it’s a waste of money to have an editor edit your first draft, except in very specific circumstances. A first draft, unless you self-edit like a Boss as you go, is too raw for in-depth editing. After all the changes and corrections the editor may suggest, what you’re most likely left with is the manuscript you should have sent out for editing. Make the mistake of publishing that and the readers howl, and not with pleasure.

I’m going to assume you’re more experienced. You’ve harassed your critique partners into reading it, maybe even twice over. Your Beta readers have had a go too, and declared it as fine a piece of writing as you’ve ever done. If you’re a lone-wolf author, disinterested or perhaps downright put off by the thought of involving anyone else, you’ve probably gone over the book as many times as you can stand to. So, bottom line, it’s ready. Time to call in the polishing crew.

But which kind?

Not all editors do the same job, although there’s a fair amount of overlap, and some do it all. There are content editors, line editors, fact-checkers and proofreaders, all of whom can be of value, depending on your needs. Are you branching out into a new genre and worry you may not have covered the subject in a believable manner? Then you need a content editor, and one with more than a passing knowledge of the genre you’re writing in. They’ll look at your manuscript and let you know whether you’ve got it right or not, if there are holes you need to plug or if your story has gone off the rails in places. Content editors will be looking for plot, pacing and any other factors that pull the reader out of the story, rather than sucking them in.

On the other hand, if you’re very happy with the story as it stands and confident it doesn’t need that kind of input, you probably want a line editor. We’re the geeks who love language so much we’ve taken the time to commit to memory a lot of the grammatical rules most people forget as soon as the English teacher’s mouth closes. Weird crap about syntax and sentence construction, like whether onomatopoeia is always italicized or if moving an adverb from one place to another will actually make a difference. Not just academic knowledge either, but knowledge of how to apply those rules to fiction, or when not to.

There are some authors so confident of their abilities in the areas of grammar and syntax all they want is someone to check for spelling errors, and they’ll hire a proof-reader for that purpose. Others, especially when writing in genres such as historical fiction, military and police procedurals, etc. may hire a fact-checker to ensure they haven’t put something into the story that doesn’t belong.

Most authors are looking for a little of everything, and it’s not an unreasonable request. Just be sure the editor you hire offers all the services you require and always remember it’s a professional association. Don’t be afraid to check an editor out, ask questions, request they edit a small sample from your manuscript to see how they work, if it will help. It’s your book. You have to be comfortable and know, in the end, it is the best it possibly can be.

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Filed under Writing

Where In The World Is Danica Avet?

It doesn’t have quite the same ring as Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? does it?

Ah well, I’ll have my own theme song soon enough. As for where I’ve been…have you ever had weeks when the world seems determined to test your sanity? I’ve had about two months of that. As a result, my blog has suffered, my writing has suffered and I’m almost positive I have more gray hair.

I’m trying to get things back on track with group blogs, the personal blog and most importantly my writing. I’m now working 7 days a week. The regular evil day job Monday through Friday and writing on the weekends. If only I could explain the sheer mind-numbness that happens when I get home on a weekday…about all I can do in the evenings is change clothes and flop on the sofa.

But the weekends. Ah, the weekends are mine. I have planz people. Planz that must be completed before I can put my big plan of taking over the world into place.

So that’s where Danica is. Plotting everything other than her next book because she much prefers pantsing. And working at a job that doesn’t appreciate her genius. But I will be bringing you some smexy men and music and laughs. Once I dig my way out of paperwork and headaches.

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Filed under humor

Marching To The Sea

It feels weird to have What’s Playing Wednesdays to myself again. The Cabal helped free me up a lot in January and February. I wish I could say I used that time wisely, but I’d be lying if I did. *cough* But, that time off did give me a chance to store up new favorite songs. And I have a lot of them!

Today I’m going with a song that makes me just close my eyes and quietly jam out (nothing like The Divinyls which make me sing I Touch Myself a capella *shudder*). Something about the vocals and the pushing guitar riffs reminds me of Mastodon, another band I’ve featured here on What’s Playing Wednesdays.

I’d heard this band many times before on Octane (my SiriusXM station which I heart so hardcore, it could be illegal), but the most striking thing I remember about them is hearing about their bus crash last year. Their bus fell 30 feet off a viaduct in August, sending three of the band members to the hospital with serious injuries. I hope they’re in recovery and ready to make more music soon.

In the meantime, give a listen to this awesome song, March to the Sea. I love this song so much. I hope you enjoy it!

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Filed under What's Playing Wednesdays

What A Hoot

It’s Monday. Meh.

From Friday afternoon to just before dawn today felt more like a week than a weekend. I could have sworn today was Tuesday. Honestly!

Why? Well, because I barely had an uncomplicated minute to myself. For the most part, I can’t complain. Friday afternoon, while checking out a building, I stumbled across something I’ll probably never see again. At first, because I was all alone and the building was shadowy and kind of scary and because I was expecting to see something like a snake, possum or raccoon, I was scared. I mean, wouldn’t you be if you saw something move out the corner of your eye and heard this ominous clicking sound? Especially when there was supposed to be nothing in this building?

Liar! Y’all all want to act as though you would have known, but y’all would’ve been just like me. Point at it, shout “holy shit! What is that?” to no one in particular and walk away as though it’s going to grow fangs and come at you like the killer rabbit in The Holy Grail. It was only later that I realized this is what I stumbled across:


It’s a baby owl. One of two I found huddling next to a box in the warehouse. I don’t know if they fell from their perch, if their mother abandoned them when crews began to work on the building or what, but they didn’t look like owls when I first saw them. They looked like…monsters. Sure, laugh! I did. But do you see the size of those talons? I told my coworker if he didn’t leave them alone they were going to fly at his face and eat it.

So the excitement from the Great Owl Discovery faded and I had a baby shower to attend on Saturday. It was nice. My nephew’s girlfriend got a lot of presents and looked adorable with her baby bump. I wonder if she even realizes she’s naming my great-nephew the same name I chose for one of my heroes. Mason. Hopefully this Mason has an easier life of it than the fictional one. Which come to think of it is kind of funny. My sister named her new puppy Izzy. That’s the name of my heroine from Ain’t No Bull. I bet she forgot that.

By Saturday night though, I was convinced someone was trying to kill me. I spent most of the night casting up my accounts (which sounds a lot like math) which meant when Sunday rolled around, I felt like death warmed over. I slept all day, watched G.I. Joe and bitched at Duke for forgiving The Baroness. *mutters*

Anyway, this is going to be another hectic week with a Cabal of Hotness Chat at Coffee Time Romance tomorrow night and the cabal is in full force over at Naughty Author Chicks this week. Again. Yes we invaded them hard. OH!! And the second volume of the Fondled and Gobbled anthology, Going Back for Seconds comes out this Friday. There are some very stressed, freaked out funny women in the Cabal.


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Fondled and Gobbled: Is Your Jaw Tired Yet?

So sorry, I couldn’t resist that title. *ponders getting the Cabal to agree to adding that to our long list of anthology titles*

It’s been a week since the Cabal officially began to fondle and gobble the masses and they’ve spoken:
Terri with Night Owl Reviews gave Fondled and Gobbled: Someone Had To Do It 4.5/5.0 stars “Five fantastic authors have taken scenes and made them spoofs.  This twist on current romance may have you laughing hysterically.  Each story is totally unique and has it’s own unique twist but all end with a happy ending though some are somewhat strange.  No matter what type of romance you like, read this one.” 

Nikki with Close Encounters with the Night Kind gave Fondled and Gobbled: Someone Had To It 5/5 spiders. “All in all this was an incredibly enjoyable and entertaining read!  Even the hot parts had humor in them!  These ladies have tapped into something fresh, and I can’t wait for more!!  One taste was not enough.  I definitely can’t wait to gobble up the next one!!  Great Read!!”

And then there’s what we’re doing next. We’re some busy ladies, I tell you!
Like, today we’re over at Patricia Macia’s blog with character interviews. This is just a little peek at the insanity we brought. *cough*

Q: Please introduce yourselves and give me a two sentence synopsis of your story. 

Lucius: *looks around at all the women and lifts his chin* I’m Lucius, and I’m not sure what the fuss is all about. I just tried to have a quiet sneak-fuck and ended up trussed like a turkey, being assaulted. *gets a faraway look in his eyes* Never realized how much fun that could be…
Steele: I’m Steele Ana. I was working in a dead end job, but then Grey Christian came in and we fell instantly in love! He promptly insisted I move into his awesome penthouse in Seattle, and of course I said yes!
Missy: *tapping the screen* Can you guys hear me? Yes? Good. I’m Missy. *waving* Um, I’m on Oz’s ship someplace in the next galaxy over from the Milky Way. We’re heading to his planet, I guess. Anyway, after he took me from Earth I’m not too worried about where we’re going. He’s hunky, I was single… enough said, right?
Holly: *Pauses in the middle of flipping through Big Toys for Big O’s magazine* What’s there to talk about? I like sex. I like orgasms even more. My man, Caid Kincaid gives me what I need. Sort of. *slouches in her chair* Most of the time. *Slouches more* He’s really trying. *Glares at Lucius* Ain’t fair how some people get all the luck. *Mutters something about cock enlargement devices*
Emily: Hi! First off, thanks for having me. I’m Emily Justasalad, and I’m…well, I’m just a regular girl, so all this attention is taking me a little time to get used to. My story is really one about triumph and self-discovery–you know, learning to love yourself! Oh yeah, and I came to this realization by having an all-out, five-hot-men-on-one-Emily, Broadshaft Brothers orgy on my kitchen table. It might not work for everyone, but it was certainly therapeutic for me.
This is where we’ll be next week:
February 17 – NAC Blog
* Naughty Hotness
February 18 – NAC Blog
* Bootay Hotness
February 19 – Mari Carr’s Blog
February 19 – Coffee Time Romance Chat (9p.m. EST)

February 20 – NAC Blog
*Chocolate Hotness
February 21 – NAC Blog
* Honey Hotness
February 24 – NAC Blog
* Glacial Hotness
And on February 22, the second volume in the anthology, Fondled and Gobbled: Going Back for Seconds will be unleashed on the world! Bwahaha!

The virgin whose carefully planned hymen removal doesn’t work out the way romance novels told her it would. A busty broad doing what she can to get over her penis anxiety—assisted by a cadre of male strippers. A not-so-bright (and not so “big”) alien who comes to claim his life-mate, and the Earth girl who wants to be claimed at all costs. A cursed, mute shapeshifter who needs to pop his cherry with his unsuspecting fated mate…

If you’re looking for the perfect romance with the perfect hero and heroine—this isn’t it! This series of spoofs, parodies and just-for-fun take-offs is for longtime, hard-core romance readers able to laugh at the clichés, purple prose and “suspend your disbelief” plot devices that haunt our beloved favorite genre.

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Filed under humor

Hearts On Fire Blog Hop


Welcome to this stop on Victoria Danann’s celebration hop for her new release:  The Summoner’s Tale. Don’t forget to stop by and enter in the grandprize drawings for: 1.) Two Kindle Paperwhites  2.) Three sets of Black Swan: Books 1-3 paperbacks signed by Victoria Danann (1 and 2 being US only) 3.) twenty sets of Black Swan: Books 1-3 e-books and an international giftcard!!!   My name is Danica Avet and I write paranormal erotic romance chalked full of humor, sizzle, and a touch of Cajun Spice.  A big thank you to Nikki @Close Encounters with the Night Kind and Anna @ Read Between the Lines for putting this on!  So what am I giving away here?   And what is The Summoner’s Tale? And what else can I win?

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

MaryLynn Bast:  Heart of a Wolf Series
Susan D. Taylor:  Secret Desire
Tara Lain:  Beach Balls
Read 2 Review (Kate) and GMTA UK:  (5 to 10 books that will be announced)
Airicka Phoenix:   E-copy of Games of Fire, Touching Smoke, & Touching Eternity
Katie Salidas:  E-copy of Moonlight and Sweet Surprises! By her and Willsin Rowe which also releases on Feb 14!
Sara Trimble:  E-copy of A Woman’s Revenge
Michelle Graham:  E-copy of Landing the Big Ones
Kim Mullican:  Yoder’s Farm, Taking Control (Book 1 Control Series),Control (Book 2 Control Series), Immortal Decision
Cambria Hebert:  Ecopy of Recalled and a Winners Choice from the Heven and Hell Series Ecopy
M.L.  Stephens:  Ecopy of Love You More
J Kelly Acinni:  5 sets of paperback copies of Baby and Echo US only
Susan Griscom:  Reflections and Whisper Cape

primalsong_msrThere are two Rafflecopter entries on the blog, so be sure you enter both!

Here you can win a Primal Prize Pack!!  Which includes your choice of one of the 2 currently available books in the series in e-copy: (if you have these then you’re welcome to your choice of my backlist), A Primal Madi-Gras Mask, and some awesome Swag!

 Deputy Daisy Picou is not impressed when Ram Reinhardt prowls into town all rock star swagger and big cat ego. She’s been burned by a lion before and has no intention of playing the fool twice. But with one scorching glance the mating frenzy ignites and passion trumps reason. An intense first encounter levels Daisy’s reservations—and most of her living room. And she’s not so sure she minds.

Ram Reinhardt has burned through and brushed aside just about every adrenaline-inducing thrill life’s thrown at him. But Daisy sets the gold standard for a premium rush. Her combative personality should turn him off, but every time they fight they end up in bed, or on the floor, or against a wall—and the sex is always more combustible than the time before. And he’s not about to give that up. Ever.primaldesign_msr

Fashion designer and bear shifter Kitty Chambers thought fifteen years was enough time to get over her first love, Monk Badeaux, but when she sees the sexy cougar again, her mating instincts return and it’s all she can do to keep her paws off him. Despite her wariness, Monk unearths a part of her sexuality she’d never known existed, using it ruthlessly to win her back. Monk is hazardous to her well-being and her heart, but Kitty isn’t sure she stands a chance against all this heat.

If you love something, set it free. Monk Badeaux did that and suffered the consequences. When Kitty comes home, he falls head over heels in love with the independent, no-panty-wearing woman his childhood sweetheart has become. And she hates him. Luck is on his side when he discovers his mate has a streak of exhibitionism he’s more than happy to exploit if it’ll bring them closer. Alleys, school gyms, cars…no location is sacred when a cougar is out to win his mate

Just fill out the rafflecopter below!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

 And now…..Your sneak into The Summoner’s Tale:

STcover300x400A SUMMONER’S TALE: the vampire’s confessor


AUTHOR:                   by Victoria Danann

PUBLISHER:              7th House

ISBN:                          978-1-933320-67-0 ebook      Words: 110,000

                                    978-1-933320-80-9 print        Pages: 350

GENRE:                      paranormal romance, vampire romance, urban fantasy,

                                    paranormal fantasy

RELEASE DATE:      February 14, 2013


BUY AT:           (search by title) $3.99


DESCRIPTION: A secret society, a witch, a psychic, vampires, modern day knights, heroes, elves, fae, assassins from another dimension, and fairytales come together where emotions intersect. Two souls, joined by a mystical bond, separated by distance, must simultaneously struggle through pain and darkness in an ultimate confrontation with character and an ultimate struggle for life proving that true love waits patiently through lifetimes and finds courage to survive. Even in the strangest places. Even when you’re least expecting it. Even when you’re far, far from home.

Erotic quotient: A little steam. No menage. No BDSM.SagaofBlackSwan300x400

 IMPORTANT: Black Swan Books 2 and 3 are available on exclusively. However, a COLLECTED TALES EDITION, Books 1-3 – The Saga of Black Swan  will also be released on Feb. 14th in e-book everywhere.    

ISBN: 978-1-933320-70-0                 All three books for $5.99. 

This is the story as it was intended to be read – without interruption.


Book One – My Familiar Stranger: Romancing the Vampire Hunters nominated for Reviewers Choice Best Paranormal Romance of 2012)  113,000 words

Book Two – The Witch’s Dream: A Love Letter to Paranormal Romance 100,000 words

Book Three – A Summoner’s Tale: The Vampire’s Confessor 110,000 words




TWITTER: @vdanann

Victoria120x180Author Bio: 

For the past fourteen years, Victoria has illustrated and authored Seasons of the Witch calendars and planners and written several non-fiction books on magickal arts.

Though fiction was initially a departure for her, she had this series simmering on the back burner of her mind for years. In addition to authoring and illustrating Seasons of the Witch, she plays Classic Rock music (keys, rhythm guitar, vocals) and manages one of Houston’s premier party bands.

 This series will eventually include some of her actual experience in the paranormal with fictionalized anecdotes from her journals during the years when she was a practicing “metaphysician” along with material from her academic education in parapsychology.


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DJ Anya in the House

Don’t tell anyone, but I’m a closet romantic. Actually, go ahead. No one who knows me will believe you anyway. I scoff at flowers (they should be growing on bushes, not shedding sad petals on my table), don’t fuss at my husband to buy me jewellery (mostly because the stuff I like costs damn-hell-WHOA money and, well, I’m cheap), and would rather eat a nice steak than bother dressing up to go to a fancy-schmancy restaurant.

Chocolate, however, is always welcome. Doesn’t have to come in a fancy box with a bow though. Sometimes any old Cadbury bar will do!

The upshot of it all is, I don’t make playlists for my books. I often write in silence or, if I want background music, I put on my reggae playlist because I know all the songs so well I can sing them and still think at the same time.

But sometimes, just sometimes, a book I’m writing will “adopt” a song, and those are almost invariably sappy. What the hell’s up with that? It’s never Born to be Wild or Bringing Sexy Back. It’s Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls, or Who Wants to Live Forever by Queen. Love songs, for frak’s sake. The last book I wrote, which my editor has just accepted (YEAH!), insisted Rod Stewart’s Broken Arrow was its song…with a side order of The One by Elton John. Oy vey.

At this point I should probably post a video by RDX (a very…e-hem…suggestive Caribbean group) just to get my street-cred back. But I happen to love the book, tentatively titled Dragon’s Claim, which will be book three in my Unveiled Seductions series, and Elton just seems appropriate for the day before Valentine’s Day, here’s The One.

You can find Anya at her website follow her on Twitter or on Facebook.


Filed under What's Playing Wednesdays

Weekend Menage By Cara Carnes

Happy Mardi Gras! Today I have something wicked and wild to share with you since I’ve invited my friend, Cara Carnes to stop by during her blog tour of her latest release, Weekend Menage. The name alone makes me blush! If you’re looking for a quick, hot read, be sure to check this one out. Also, be sure to enter to win a $50 gift card from one of your favorite book retailers! And definitely read the snippet below.

Weekend Menage

Release: 2/6/2013
Publisher: Ellora’s Cave
Word count: 13,000
Erotic Romance
Menage- M/F/M
Flame rating: Scorching

 Rafflecopter giveaway

One night of controlled passion is all she allows.
Rebecca Ann Majors fled the temptation of a ménage once, but now the two sexy men starring in her wildest fantasy are back and demanding her complete surrender for the weekend. Emboldened by lust, she succumbs to her desire and learns ecstasy has a price.
They demand everything she has and more.

Joe Davenport and Dillan Morrisey were used to handling any situation—including the sexy siren who’d sashayed out of their lives two years ago. This time she’ll quench their lust even if it means they have to share her.

When Sunday morning dawns the three must decide if one weekend was enough to sate the passion they shared.

Purchase Link to Ellora’s Cave:


Tingles burst across her skin on their way to her pussy. She writhed against the sheet and nuzzled her pillow with fervor. Warmth spread through her body like a molten stream of awareness as her mind slowly returned to live mode and took in its surroundings.
The pillow was a chest—a very broad chest rippling with ridges and contours she could spend an eternity licking. She moaned as the previous night rewound in her mind and angled need between her legs where the sensuous torment of tingles continued.
She thrust her mound toward the wondrous delight. A groan punctured the silence, but she couldn’t tell whether it was hers or his.
Two men.
The recollection sent a shock wave bursting within her limbs.
“It’s about time you woke up.” Joe trailed a finger across her cheek. “We started without you.”
So she noticed. Her king-sized bed had never been quite so challenged. Joe reclined across the top, his back nestled against the headboard as if he were indeed a pillow. Her nightie had disappeared. Her legs were spread-eagled across the sheets.
And Dillan knelt there, his fingers tickling and tormenting her wet pussy. He leaned down and kissed her trimmed mound. “Finally, I can feast on you.”
His tongue slid across her wet slit, then thrust into her. She gasped at the entry, her entire body humming with the need for release. Her pulse spiked, her adrenaline surged. What a hell of a way to wake up.
Joe’s mouth slid across hers, forcing her attention to divide between him and Dillan as he tongued her pussy. Nerve endings beneath her skin burst as he kissed his way from her lips, down her throat, and to the swell of her breast.
Her hands ran down his massive chest and squeezed his arms. Her thighs clenched Dillan as he sucked on her clit. The surroundings disappeared in a sensuous haze. She writhed between the two men as the release carried her away from reality.

Purchase Link to Ellora’s Cave:

About Cara:

Born in small-town Texas, Cara Carnes was a princess, a pirate, fashion model, actress, rock star and Jon Bon Jovi’s wife all before the age of 13.

In reality, her fascination for enthralling worlds took seed somewhere amidst a somewhat dull day job and a wonderful life filled with family and friends. When she’s not cemented to her chair, Cara loves travelling, photography and reading.

More information about Cara can be found at or on


Filed under Giveaways

The Day The Earth Stood Still

No, I’m not talking about the movie. I’m talking about the sheer awesomeness that’s taking place today. I mean, really? There’s so much awesome going on, I had trouble deciding on a song for today. If I tried to find something that fit the magnitude of fantabuliciousness…well, let’s just say that your computers would explode and you’d then try to sue me for it. So we’re not going there. *puts away her rendition of What About Me*

But what is this awesomeness, you may ask. First off, it’s Release Day times two. Yes, times two! My fellow Cabalite, Cara Carnes has a hot release today with Weekend Menage. Mega Happy Release Day, Cara! I’ll be featuring her next week with a giveaway, but her book is hawt. H.A.W.T. And it made me think that while the Cabal likes to bring the funny, we’re also some amazingly erotic writers. Wait, that didn’t come out right. I meant that we write some hot stuff. Despite our goofy, sometimes inappropriate humor which makes an appearance in the Fondled and Gobbled stories, this is what we’re all about:

If you’re old enough, you’ll recall the big buzz about Madonna back in the day. She was all naughty and sexy and wore her bra outside her clothes, but yeah, she was all about being the bad girl of the music industry. Just like the Cabal features women who are some of the bad girls of romance.

Then there’s the other release day. Oh yes, it’s finally here. Fondled and Gobbled: Someone Had To Do It is out today! Do you hear that? That’s the roars of outrage from people with no sense of humor mingled with the howls of laughter from those who “get” what we’re doing. Yes, we’re serious about erotic romance and bringing the sexy. We’re all about that. But we also like to laugh and we wanted to share that with our readers. Some people won’t get this at all. They’ll read it as a serious erotic romance and become offended. I’m prepared for that. Because while we’re also the bad girls of romance…we’re also a bit like this:

*sigh* Yes, we’re silly and can be very goofy sometimes. Well, I can. I enjoy it. It helps me relieve stress to mock myself and others. Yes, I mock others. Just ask my mom.

Happy Release Day to the Cabal of Hotness! There’s no going back now! And to prove it, we’ve invaded the Naughty Author Chicks’ blog for nearly the entire month with our brand of funny. Check out the characters from both volumes of Fondled and Gobbled and be sure to get your copy!


Filed under What's Playing Wednesdays