Tag Archives: weird al yankovich

The Day The Earth Stood Still

No, I’m not talking about the movie. I’m talking about the sheer awesomeness that’s taking place today. I mean, really? There’s so much awesome going on, I had trouble deciding on a song for today. If I tried to find something that fit the magnitude of fantabuliciousness…well, let’s just say that your computers would explode and you’d then try to sue me for it. So we’re not going there. *puts away her rendition of What About Me*

But what is this awesomeness, you may ask. First off, it’s Release Day times two. Yes, times two! My fellow Cabalite, Cara Carnes has a hot release today with Weekend Menage. Mega Happy Release Day, Cara! I’ll be featuring her next week with a giveaway, but her book is hawt. H.A.W.T. And it made me think that while the Cabal likes to bring the funny, we’re also some amazingly erotic writers. Wait, that didn’t come out right. I meant that we write some hot stuff. Despite our goofy, sometimes inappropriate humor which makes an appearance in the Fondled and Gobbled stories, this is what we’re all about:

If you’re old enough, you’ll recall the big buzz about Madonna back in the day. She was all naughty and sexy and wore her bra outside her clothes, but yeah, she was all about being the bad girl of the music industry. Just like the Cabal features women who are some of the bad girls of romance.

Then there’s the other release day. Oh yes, it’s finally here. Fondled and Gobbled: Someone Had To Do It is out today! Do you hear that? That’s the roars of outrage from people with no sense of humor mingled with the howls of laughter from those who “get” what we’re doing. Yes, we’re serious about erotic romance and bringing the sexy. We’re all about that. But we also like to laugh and we wanted to share that with our readers. Some people won’t get this at all. They’ll read it as a serious erotic romance and become offended. I’m prepared for that. Because while we’re also the bad girls of romance…we’re also a bit like this:

*sigh* Yes, we’re silly and can be very goofy sometimes. Well, I can. I enjoy it. It helps me relieve stress to mock myself and others. Yes, I mock others. Just ask my mom.

Happy Release Day to the Cabal of Hotness! There’s no going back now! And to prove it, we’ve invaded the Naughty Author Chicks’ blog for nearly the entire month with our brand of funny. Check out the characters from both volumes of Fondled and Gobbled and be sure to get your copy!


Filed under What's Playing Wednesdays