Tag Archives: alternative music

Women Rock

Just in case y’all think I’m entirely anti-female front singers, I’m not. I’ve seen several bands in concert with great female leads and for them, it’s about the music. Throwing tattoo and dark makeup on a woman who can scream doesn’t a good lead make. She has to make you forget about the fact that she looks cute. Because lets face it. Most of the time the lead singers are going to look good in a short skirt. I actually kind of like the same qualities in my male lead singers, but if it’s okay for guys to be biased, I can too.

Anyway, there are a few bands who severely rock and they just so happen to have a female lead singers. Notice I say “They just so happen” because that’s how it should be. It shouldn’t be about what equipment the singer is sporting, but the music they provide. One of my absolute favorites is Straight Line Stitch. I did a workshop at the FF&P Conference, Fantasy on the Bayou in 2012 about music and this is one of the songs I picked because it has power. I mean, I feel this song.

Then there’s the all woman band, Kitty. I remember when this song came out, I was like…there’s no way those are all girls! I saw the video and had to revise that statement. Yes, girls can growl and play every part in a band and still be cool and cute. In a kick-your-ass kind of way.

And if you think I only like rock bands with female leads, I’m throwing this one at you. I like the vocals, I like the beat. I like that it’s a little different from what I normally listen to.


Filed under What's Playing Wednesdays

Orange Crush Baby

Yesterday we welcomed into the world the newest addition to our family. Bennett Richard was born at 7:45 p.m. Weighing in at 8lbs, 10oz and 21 inches long (makes him sound like he’s about to enter the boxing ring, doesn’t it?), he was greeted by a big chunk of his family. Daddy was proud to announce he didn’t faint during the c-section and took numerous pictures…and then had to state quite loudly that his son has huge uh…well, you fill in the blank.

Little Bennett has his mama’s mouth and chin, his daddy’s nose and cheeks, and apparently his Tante Danica’s slant eyes. Since he’s a newborn, I’m going to wait a few months before I say yay or nay.

So this is Bennett: (You knew I had pictures, right?)

Bennett, proudly displayed by his dad with his pawpaw looking on.












And the little boy of the hour, Bennett Richard. He was so cute, I might have cried a little…okay, possibly more than a little, but that’s what aunt’s do.

His little lips were quivering, but he didn’t cry very loudly. Hopefully, he’ll be like his dad that way. Start off quiet and then pick up volume. Kind of like the increasing volume on phones. LOL

Aw, sha, that’s our baby!

And before you think this post is over, it isn’t. I still have the What’s Playing Wednesday theme to talk about.





Continuing with the orange theme today, I have a band their disbandment just last month. R.E.M. was a staple of college radio when I was growing up and became more popular over the years.

Crush was a drink I used to love, drinking it like it was orange juice. In fact, I may have told a friend when I was 13 that I drank it for vitamin C. *coughs* I was such a bullshitter even then! LOL

So you put R.E.M. together with one of my favorite drinks from my teenage years and you get “Orange Crush”, a really great song. I think this one along with “Pop Song 89” are two of my favorite songs by them. I hope you enjoy it!


Filed under What's Playing Wednesdays