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Y’all knew we had to do it again, right? The Big Cocks and Shamrocks Blog Hop was so much fun, we decided to give it another go to give our readers and followers even more stuff to win.

The Cabal of Hotness has been a specatular group in 2013. We wrote 21 short stories together, put out in 5 anthologies and we won an award for it. That’s not bad considering we started off as a group of ladies goofing off in the bar at RomantiCon 2013. It’s been a lot of fun and even if we don’t write more spoofs, I know I’ll always have that group to fall back on when I’m dancing on the ledge of insanity.

So we joined forces with one of our favorite blogs, Close Encounters With The Night Kind and put together this hop. There are at least 70 blogs participating, so be sure to visit all of them since we’re all giving away individual prizes as well as giving you chances to win the grand prize.

We have two rafflecopters for today. The first is the grand prize which will pull three winners!

The prizes are:

Grand Prize $100 Amazon or B&N gift card
2nd Place $50 Amazon or B&N gift card
3rd Place $25 Amazon or B&N gift card

a Rafflecopter giveaway

For my individual giveaway, I’m giving away a Danica Avet super plush fleece blanket like this one (different color).
a Rafflecopter giveaway

And be sure to stop at all the other blogs for even more prizes!


Filed under Giveaways

29 responses to “

  1. My tradition is to try and get better and better costumes

  2. Lisa B.

    My favorite halloween tradition is going to disney to see the decorations.

  3. Julianne

    It’s not much of a tradition, but I like passing out the candy and seeing all the young kids dressed up. Some moms out there are pretty creative in designing costumes. I’ve seen some awful cute ones.

  4. I loved it when my kids were little and getting their costumes and taking them trick-or-treating. They’re basically grown now but we stay home and pass out candy to the kids that come by.

  5. Lisa G

    The only tradition for Halloween that I have is passing out candy to the kids


  6. Lisa G

    The only tradition I have for Halloween is passing out candy to the kids


  7. i love seeing all the houses decorated for halloween

  8. Sue Sattler

    I did this with my kids and now I do it with my grandkids. We go out trick or treating and when we get home we watch the Halloween cartoons while I go through the candy and get all the good…um..I mean suspicious candy out of their bags. šŸ˜€

  9. Ra Mcf

    Watching scary movies all night long! Only this time I’m going to see Bob Dylan on Halloween.

  10. JeanMP

    Passing out candy to the kids is the only tradition in our house.
    skpetal at hotmail dot com

  11. My favorite halloween tradition is the candy and late night movies šŸ™‚

  12. Tina B

    My favorite Halloween tradition is taking the kids Trick or Treating. šŸ™‚
    They are always so happy.

  13. Mer

    My favorite tradition is going to the pumpkin patch to pick out our jack o lantern. We come home, carve it, and then eat chili and pumpkin bread while watching scary movies.

  14. amy bowens

    my favorite Halloween tradition is helping the kids get ready for Halloween and then taking them trick or treating!

  15. You asked: What’s your favorite Halloween tradition?

    Well since my kids are very grown and on their own with their own kids, I haven’t had a tradition for Halloween for a long long time. My biggest thing each year is to turn on the porch light and have a bowl of the GOOD candy ready. It’s always fun to see the little ones in their costumes. šŸ™‚

    Belinda G
    belgre at comcast dot net

  16. Mine is taking the children out for some fun.

  17. bn100

    don’t have any
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  18. Since I’m still a child at heart, I celebrate Halloween the entire month of October. Each year I add one more decoration for my home or a new CD of music. That is my tradition. Thanks for the giveaway! Happy Hauntings!

  19. While we really don’t have a Halloween tradition, I do try to dress up with my children each year. I think it’s so much fun to celebrate the holiday with the children. Thanks for the holiday.

  20. Catherine

    Our favorite tradition is watching all the trick-or-treaters come to the house. Last year we had more than 130. I’ve bought 150 full-sized candy bars this year. I hope it will be enough!

  21. kimmyl

    My favorite tradition is to dress up and decorate inside and outside of house. Every year it gets better and better.

  22. Natasha

    Carving pumpkins!
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    Happy Halloween!

  23. It’s a really weird tradition, but my family always eats hot dogs and tater tots on Halloween. I guess my mom made it one year when I was little, and I got really upset when she didn’t make it the next year… And it’s just kind of stuck! So I eat that and watch Hocus Pocus. Thanks and Happy Halloween šŸ™‚

  24. Ann

    Eating tons of candy! šŸ˜‰

  25. My favorite tradition is watching “it’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!” every year šŸ™‚ and when I was little, watching Garfield’s Halloween Special šŸ™‚
    Thanks for the great giveaway!! I would LOVE that blanket!!!
    Ashley A

  26. Jessica D

    I don’t have any Halloween traditions other than dressing up to hand out candy

  27. Every Halloween, a bunch of us get dressed up and go to the midnight showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show (I’m Magenta).
    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  28. I really don’t have any Halloween traditions.
    sstrode at scrtc dot com

  29. Everything! But I really love that everyone dresses up and has fun. Thanks for sharing the hop and your giveaway. evamillien at gmail dot com

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