What’s Playing Wednesday

It’s time for another What’s Playing Wednesday! Yes! I know you’re excited. It’s when I let Danica’s Magical Musical Player pick the topic of the post.

This morning, my MP3 player was apparently feeling a little melancholy. It chose a broken-hearted song. I’ll admit, I’m not a big fan of sappy love songs (or sappy anything really), but this particular song is just so…I don’t know, powerful.

What’s especially funny, is that today over at Four Foxes, One Hound I’m talking about my favorite romance movie. Again, I’m just not into the sappy, so you should check it out if only to see what’s my favorite romance movie!

Now for the song. My family members heavily influenced my musical tastes growing up. I’ve mentioned before how every morning I’d wake up to hear my sister rocking out (and making the house shake) to Iron Maiden, Molly Hatchet, Judas Priest, and Quiet Riot. She was quite the little head-banger, but there were some bands she played that spun out some terrific ballads. Today’s band is one I used to listen to with her (because I had no choice).

The band is called Vandenberg. They were a Dutch hair band in the early 80’s. I’m sure I heard more music by them because my sister liked them, but this song stood out for me. It’s just so heart-felt and yes, it sometimes makes me feel blue. The song is called Burning Heart. I was 5 or 6 when the song came out, but I remembered it when I decided I needed more music on my MP3 player.

Can’t you just picture riding around in a T-top Camaro with this song blaring from your speakers? LOL Ah, the 80’s.

Don’t forget, there’s still a chance to win an e-copy of my book or a mask over at Nikki Brandyberry’s blog. And tomorrow I’ll be over at the awesome Rachel Firasek’s blog for another interview and giveaway!


Filed under What's Playing Wednesdays

14 responses to “What’s Playing Wednesday

  1. KAK

    I feel as though I need to turn in my Zippo and Aquanet for not knowing this song!

    ~runs off to add it to the ‘runny mascara’ playlist~

  2. Okay, just the melody made me sad. It’s got that vibe. But I am jotting it down for when I need to write a sad scene.

  3. I’m with, Falyn. the melody makes me gloomy. I’ll be visiting you Rach’s blog tomorrow. Two awesome ladies in one place, I wouldn’t miss it!

  4. Voting for gloomy here, too! LOL!

  5. Just wanted to let you know that I named you to receive the highly prestigious Stylish Blogger Award.

    Here’s the link:

    Did You Hear I’m Stylish Even After Being Fired?

  6. Great song! I loved them too. And I can’t wait for the interview tomorrow. Fun times! And thanks to Daisy Harris, I have a fabulous vlog to promo the day! Woo-Woot

  7. Classic! Neat song! Hey, LOVE the new blog. I’ve been MIA for a few days and just now noticed the change. It’s nice.

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