On the Re-Make

Last week, I was stunned to see that Hollywood is coming out with a remake of The Karate Kid. The Karate Kid! I was flabbergasted! This is one of the greatest movies from the 80’s…can anyone replace Ralph Macchio as Daniel? Really. Can they? I was really…okay I was pissed off when I read about it. Then I watched the trailer. Hello! Jackie Chan is Mr. Han (no Mr. Miyagi). I love Jackie Chan! So now I’m thinking, “Okay, maybe I can watch the movie…it might not be so horrific after all.”

Then, later in the article I read, I saw that a remake of Clash of the Titans is coming out as well as Red Dawn, and a movie version of The A-Team. One of my favorite movies from my childhood was Clash of the Titans. I thought it was the coolest movie ever! Then I grew up. And realized as far as special effects went…it sucked my dog’s big toe. Seriously, it does! So I watched the trailer for the remake and I’M SO EXCITED!! It looks so good!! Whee! Marked that one on my list of movies to see. I always thought Clash of the Titans would be awesome if it was remade. I’ll find out when I see it.

Of course, this got me to wondering what other movies would be better if they were remade: Conan the Barbarian, The Beast Master (this was a cool movie…but could it be better?), Some Like It Hot, Running Man, It, (all of Stephen King’s books-to-movie, movies), etc.

So I started thinking. What movie/movies from your childhood (or anytime) would you not mind seeing Hollywood remake? What movie would you hate to see remade?


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2 responses to “On the Re-Make

  1. I don’t agree with Karate kid. I think it would be hard to make a wholesome movie like they did with Karate Kid. I can see the new version now: Ralph Machio is the dad and his son is being bullied by a rap gang and he takes his son to the beach to hop on the driftwood with one leg held high. His son’s love interest…well she get pregnant….hmmmm….with today’s issues it wouldn’t be the same.

    • Oh, I was worried about it too until I saw the trailer. This time, Daniel is going with his mom to live in China. CHINA!! I’m sure it won’t be as good as the original (are they ever?), but it might be worth a looksee.

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